Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunrise, Brant Point 10/9/11

Nantucket Cranberry Festival

Leif isn't sure what he thinks about the cranberries yet.

Kids carrying home their loot.

The Shingles

Thursday, June 16, 2011

All Dressed Up

With somewhere to go. Jamey got some entrepreneurial (omg, I spelled that right on the first try) award last night and there was a big dinner and party. So the boys rented tuxes, the girls borrowed dresses, and they all looked unbelievably gorgeous. These are just a few of the stunning photos I took before their chariot (aka, the suburban) carried them away.

The Girl Next Door

The neighbors who live in the house across the street (the one we rented when we first moved to Wellesley) had a baby last October. I thought she was a little ugly and weird, like most babies, when I first met her, but in the 8 months she's been around, I've really fallen in love with her. Her name is Juliette, and we like to go for walks and eat grass.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Student Teaching

There's only 3 weeks of preschool left and I'm so sad to be leaving all my new little loves. Here are a few of the 15 four/five year olds I've been working with all semester-

This is Madeleine. She's a very sweet, shy girl, who loves to pretend to go "camping" out in the yard with me.

Timothy: Future MIT grad student. Thumb-sucker.


His twin brother, Tyler.

This kid, Nate, knows more about sports than most athletes.

Liam- the smirk says enough, I think.

Carolina and Emily

My little Em. She was my "chosen child" for the semester. Meaning I had to do 15 observations on her and write up a progress report, so we spent a LOT of time together. :)

Ellie and Mia

Carolina is about as quirky as they come.

This is Aidan. He's going to build a career as a "facial expressionist."

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This is one of the upstairs bedrooms. The ceiling comes down at an angle like this on the other side of the room, too. It's a little weird, but adds character. This is the only one with that great skylight, so I think I'm going to make this one my art studio. I didn't post a picture of the other upstairs bedroom, but that will be the guest room for anyone who wants to come visit me. :)

This is my beautiful kitchen with all new appliances and cute wooden cabinets. Electric stove, though. :(

Here's my living room. I have to fit a couch, coffee table, piano, and TV in here.

Dining room, and a view into the downstairs bathroom/laundry room, plus a cute little deck.

And this will be my bedroom. It's the biggest bedroom, it's on the first floor, and it has tons of really bright windows. I love it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Off my game...

I don't know what's going on this week. Maybe it's the suppressed emotions from it being the 10th anniversary of my father's death. Maybe it's senioritis. Maybe it's the fact that I hate my job. I suppose it's most-likely a combination of the three. My kids are on break from school this week, so Rich is babysitting while I'm at student teaching and classes, but today I'm taking a personal day. I've been at Starbucks all morning, trying to catch up on schoolwork. I don't know how I got so far behind. I was ahead with straight A's and the love of all my professors a week ago. The morning has been pretty nice so far- the smell of coffee, jazz playing in the background, eavesdropping on conversations... Definitely needed it today. Some other things I need:

I need good weather.
I need Nantucket sand between my toes.
I need all my loves to be in one place again.
I need to close this chapter of my life so I can settle into a new one.
I need to see my mama llama.